Welcome to this week’s Marketing for Romance Writers (#MFRW) where the topic is, My Favorite Indulgence. This is a broad topic. I could talk about how I love a glass of wine at the end of a long day, or occasionally a nip of good tequila (yes, there is a difference!). Or I could mention the tub of marshmallow crème in the cupboard that never seems to make into anything baked but is always coming up empty.
Perhaps I could tell you again how writing is my favorite escape, or how the only way that I can slow down is to watch a movie, but I won’t. Instead I’m going to talk about how indulgent it feels to do nothing.
When Multitasking Goes Too Far
Multitasking is a good thing, right? We brag about it, put it on our resume and pride ourselves on how many things we can do at the same time—or perhaps that’s just me. Sure, there are good things about multitasking like the feeling of crossing off that endless To-Do list as we complete task after task. Because we all have that To-Do list each day. Whether it’s written down, on your phone beeping to remind you what you must do next or just running through your mind, there’s always something to do next. Because how often do you see someone just doing nothing?
I don’t know about you, but if I’m not doing something, planning to do something, or finishing something I feel a little guilty. That To-Do list isn’t getting any smaller and it’s whispering in my ear louder than the marshmallow crème in the cupboard.
Don’t Fear The Nothing
Like the overwhelm I’ve mentioned before, the nothing seems to be another threat to most people. If you look around when you’re waiting in line, no one is just waiting. They’re on their phones, or looking through the magazines or…something. It’s as if standing quietly and observing the world, the moment, is somehow abnormal. We should be doing something, right?
Even now as I finish this blog the night before it’s due, since I’m also on two other blogs tomorrow, I’m waiting for my fingernails to dry as I type.
It’s become almost as if doing just one thing isn’t enough. #MFRW #mindfulness Share on XIndulging in Nothing
Many times, when I think I’ll do nothing but sit and wait for the commercial to finish instead of getting on my phone or laptop, I end up falling asleep. It’s as if my body grabs the opportunity to fuel up from the exhaustion of the hamster wheel we call

life. But occasionally I can do it.
I can sit quietly with my family and just notice how the years seem to fly by as we multitask our way through every day.
Or I’ll sit outside on a summer night and listen to the crickets.
When I can achieve this, it’s like a delicious indulgence of just being. Not thinking about what’s next, but enjoying what’s now.
Find Out Other Favorite Indulgences
It’s a blog hop! Fly on over for a spell and check out the other author’s favorite indulgence. Perhaps they’re more interesting than what I’ve provided you with—nothing.
Oh I long for the days when I could simply sit and do….nothing but sit!!!! I’m right there with ya, Maureen!
My days of multi-tasking are gone. It’s hard enough to focus on a single task without interruptions. As far as doing nothing? I’m with you. But you didn’t tell me how to avoid the guilt. 🙁